Your questions

Some questions to ask financial advisor before the end of the year, according to an opinion piece.

At the conclusion of the year, we should give thanks and spend time with our families during the holidays.  Additionally, it's a chance to reflect on the preceding 12 months and ask tour financial advisor some very insightful questions.

1. How do you decide which investments to make ?

We frequently. assess a decision's value based on it's result even when the process itself may be more significant. Throwing darts would need more luck than talent, and any performance above the market would not be replicable over an extended period of time.

Instead, you should be equally corious about the process your advisor used to construct a portfolio as you are about the end product.

Do they examine company balance sheets in quest of a certain statistic or do they use macroeconomic data to choose asset classes?

Many investors lost a sizable amount of money in both 2001 and 2008, as a result of their advisor's lack of a repeatable procedure for selecting investments in various economic climates.

2. Should we take any action to reduce my tax exposure?

You might have missed out on a number of opportunities to cut your taxes, such as harvesting tax losses, contributing to a retirement account, or depreciating rental property. In order to assess whether it makes sense to capture capital gains and offset them against losses, ask your advisor to review the assets and transactions made throughout the year. If you have the chance to enhance your deductions for the upcoming tax year, now would be a good time to prepare some tax strategies for 2023, when there will finally be a break in the activity.

3.What am I spending money on but not using?  

Because of the companies are so preoccupied with their assets, I occasionally have to remind customers that I can assist them in other areas of their lives. A financial planner provides estate, long-term care, and education planning in addition to investing your hard-earned money. Utilize all the resources your advisor provides to get the most out of your partnership.

4.Am I on track to achieve my objectives?

It's normal to consider your losses when the market is down, but it might be more valuable to consider how this has affected your capacity to achieve certain objectives. This will help you put the year into perspective, enable you to concentrate on a long-term goal, and perhaps avoid making a snap decision that could erase years of preparation and hard work.

5.Should we make any changes?

Over time, your goals may change, which should affect how your advisor handles your affairs. Did anything happen that changed your life, did you discover a new passion, or did you have a health issue that required a fresh approach?

Clients occasionally decide to put in more time in a job that pays less but is more fulfilling. If you experienced losses in a retirement plan, you should ascertain how it affects your capacity to retire while you still have time to make adjustments. Define the type of life you want to lead, then seek the assistance of your team of advisors to help you get there. Now is the ideal opportunity to determine your advisor's economic response strategy.
